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In the past few decades, our dependency on vehicles has gone up. While some of us are very particular about following the traffic rules, others don’t bother much. This blog can be informative for those who are keen on following rules. 


  1. Transferring calls to the vehicles
    Talking over a mobile phone while driving can cause a distraction and should be avoided. Connecting our phones to the car( using Bluetooth) while speaking can be a better option, but only if it’s an emergency. The usage of earphones or headphones is also considered as breaking the law as we cannot hear what happens outside.

  2. Using high beams
    At night, the road might not be visible to us and we tend to turn on high beams. On highways, it may seem alright but when it comes to small roads or one-way roads, the vehicle in the opposite direction might have a blocked vision due to the high intensity of the light. The use of high beams is prohibited in city limits under section 177 of the Motor Vehicles Act. First-time offenders are fined Rs 500 and repeat offenders Rs 1,000.

  3. Seatbelt
    Most of us know what seatbelts are and their significance. Seatbelts are meant to be worn during the entire journey in a car. They protect us from major accidents and there are laws governing the usage of seat belts for both the driver and the passenger in the front seat. As per sub-section 1 of 194B, “whoever drives a motor vehicle without wearing a seat belt or carries passengers not wearing a safety belt shall be punishable with a fine of 1000 INR”.

  4. Overtaking Rules
    We are usually accustomed to the rule of not overtaking from the left. But, in some cases overtaking from the right is also considered against the traffic rules. For instance, when a vehicle turns right, it is not advised to overtake from the right. In this case, we can overtake from the left (though overtaking during turns should be avoided).

  5. Flashing lights for High-Speed
    Overspeeding is against the law and yet we tend to do it, especially on National Highways. Moving your indicator back and forth causes the headlights to flash and this warns the vehicles on the opposite side that we are driving at high speed and that they should either halt or drive slower.

  6. First Aid Kits
    Most of the cars manufactured today are equipped with a first aid kit and even if it is not we should carry a kit always while traveling.

  7. Stepney in Car
    This is the most basic and yet the most important equipment that we need to have in a car. A Stepney is a spare tire and can be used in case a tire becomes flat. Additionally, it’s better to learn how to change a flat tire as this skill can come in handy.

  8. Installation of TVs
    As per the revised Motor Vehicle Act, anyone who is found watching a video while driving a motor vehicle can be punished by the law.  This is mainly due to the distraction that can cause road hazards.OEM devices are linked to the vehicle’s ECU or the handbrake and do not play videos while the vehicle is on the move.

  9. Giving a Lift to Unknown People
    As bizarre as it sounds, giving a lift to unknown people is a major violation(section 66/192) that can cause the seizure of the vehicle (unless your car is a registered taxi).


All the rules given below are punishable under the law. They’re given for additional information and are not meant to be experimented with.

    1. Drink and Driving
      Consumption of Alcohol and driving under the influence can cause life-taking accidents. The punishment for first-time offenders may include a fine of Rs.10,000 along with the possibility of 6 months in prison. If an offender is caught drunk driving/riding again, the punishment may involve a fine of Rs.15,000 and/or 2 years of prison time.

    2. Gadgets and Driving
      Gadgets such as mobile phones should not be used during driving. It is also a violation of law and can attract a fine of Rs.1000 to Rs.2000. Calls should be avoided and in case of an emergency, the device should be connected to the car.

    3. First Aid Rule
      In some cities of India, if a passenger is injured, the driver should provide first aid to the injured passenger. If they fail to do so, they might have to pay a fine or serve a period of three months in jail.

    4. Reversing
      As per law, a driver cannot reverse his car on a one-way road as it can cause major inconvenience.

    5. Parking Law
      Blocking another car in a parking lot is also punishable under Indian laws. The parking fines begin at INR 500 if you park illegally or obstructively.

    6. Non-Functional Honking
      Honking is a favorite pastime for many of us. We conveniently ignore the noise pollution it causes. Honking without any reason should be avoided. A fine of Rs.1,000 can be slapped on a violator for needless honking, while the use of pressure horns will attract a penalty of Rs.10,000.


  • Blocking the way of an Ambulance


Ambulances are considered as emergency vehicles and as per law we are supposed to give way to them. If caught blocking their way a fine of Rs. 10,000 will be imposed under section 194E of the Motor vehicles Act, 1988. 


Given below is a table with data on the number of road accidents, fatalities, and injuries in million-plus cities by type of traffic rules violation during 2020.

(Reference: Government of India, Ministry of Transport and Highways, Transport and Research Wing,

From the data, we can infer that the majority of the accidents are due to traffic violations. Many of these accidents have resulted in deaths. Not only are we playing with our lives, but we are also putting others’ lives in jeopardy. 


In 1988, the Motor Vehicles Act was created. It established guidelines and norms for all facets of road transportation, including car registration, license management, traffic laws, insurance, and fines. Additionally, a driver must possess a valid driver's license according to the Motor Vehicle Act. Furthermore, a vehicle cannot be used without a registration number. 

There was an amendment made to the bill in 2019 and became effective on 1st October 2020. 


Hopefully, it’s clear that it is necessary to abide by the rules related to cars and traffic. Violating them can attract fines or incarceration. Sometimes, the accidents caused due our carelessness can prove to be fatal for others as well. Confused about cars? Interested in cars? Want to gain more knowledge about cars? Follow and install Kuwy for more informative blogs related to cars. Happy Learning!