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How to Jump start your car's dead battery- Kuwy Tips

A dead or weak battery is a problem that almost every car owner will or has encountered, and with automobiles being left parked for weeks on end due to COVID, this is likely to be a little more common. A car battery might run out for a variety of causes, including long periods of inactivity, running the engine while the headlights are on, extremely cold weather, and even an old battery.

You'll need a good set of jumper cables to start your car. A set should ideally be stored in your vehicle at all times. To be safe, don't forget to purchase a heavy-duty set. Even though a quality set can be pricey, it is still a wise investment. 

Follow the steps below to start your car:

  1. Jumper cables have two sturdy wires that have crocodile clips attached to each end. Positive and negative are indicated by the colour markings on both wires, which are red and black, respectively. The second vehicle is required to supply the vital power source from its battery to the dead car.
  2. First, leave a fully charged vehicle adjacent to the vehicle with the drained battery. The cars may be parked side by side or bumper to bumper. They must be close enough for the batteries to be accessible to the jumper cables.
  3. Remove the keys and turn off the ignitions in both vehicles. Both vehicles' emergency brakes should be set. All accessories, including the radio, lighting, and climate control, should be turned off.
  4. Positive (+) and negative (-) terminals are present on an automobile battery. There are occasions when the battery connections are concealed, and remote metal posts are installed for easy access to jump start or boost the battery. A red cap is frequently used to indicate the positive terminal. If necessary, check the vehicle's manual for terminal positions.

 Follow the steps below to start your car:

      5.Jumper cables have two spring-loaded clamps, one red and one black, at each end. Black clamps are used for negative terminal or grounding, whereas red clamps secure positive battery connections.

      6. Connections:

Step 1: Secure a RED clamp to the DEAD battery's positive terminal.

Step 2: Connect the RED clamp on the other end of the cables to the positive terminal of the BOOSTER battery.

Step3: Connect the BLACK clamp to the BOOSTER battery's negative terminal.

Step 4: Clip the BLACK clamp to the negative terminal of the DEAD battery or a bare metal fastener or bracket on the car's engine. A grounding bolt is specifically located for this function in some models.

       7.Finally, start the car on the low battery. You might need to wait a few minutes if the engine doesn't start right away so that the battery can charge up sufficiently. This might happen more quickly if the booster vehicle's idle speed is increased.

       8.  Disconnect the jumper cables:

→ When attaching and detaching metal clamps from battery connections, be sure that they never touch.

→ The jumped car's negative clamp should be disconnected.

→ Remove the booster car's negative clip.

→ Unplug the booster car's positive clamp.

→ The positive clamp from the jumped automobile should then be unplugged and removed.

Preventing a dead battery

Make sure the car is run frequently; merely leaving it idle for a short while is insufficient. Drive the car for a short distance to enable the alternator to keep the battery's charge level stable.

When the engine is off, avoid utilising any electrical accessories or other devices that take power from the car's battery.

if you intend to leave your car parked for a while. Use a trickle charger to keep the battery charged while the car is parked and not in use, or disconnect the cords that are attached to the battery.


Always take care of your car and its battery condition. Make sure you understand the battery of the car in emergency situations. Follow Kuwy  for more such important processes.

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